Simple. Effective. Engaged.



Xyta Productions

Welcome to the Xyta Productions website. My objective is to create an assortment of applications and games that will engage its users with its simplistic, yet adequate, features and interface.

All software are free of viruses, malware and spyware. They are provided as freeware and should not be used or redistributed by the means of creating profit or business. My software, at the moment, only supports Windows (XP, Vista, 7 and 8.)

Temporary Link to Bitsoft's website
(NOTE: Once most of the applications have been ported over to the new runner and republished, this link will be removed and I will be shutting down that website permanently.)




Arkyl alpha version 0.0.3 (30 December 2012)

The slope engine has been greatly improved and the "slope-stucking" problem has been fixed.


Arkyl alpha version 0.0.2 (29 December 2012)

This minor update contains improvements to some of the game's mechanics. There are no glitch or bug fixes due to the fast that none have been reported.


Arkyl - 3D Shooting Platforming - alpha version 0.0.1 (22 December 2012)

Arkyl is a bottom-up, work-in-progress, three-dimensional platformer and shooter. This alpha release contains only the basics of the platforming and shooting engine of the game. I have also included some basic customisation for the player and an options menu which can be located in the pause menu. This release is purely for the testing of basic gameplay components so that they can be fixed before a story is developed. Only one unthemed level is included for gameplay testing.

Please report all bugs, glitches and critical comments to xyta.



Crash Bandicoot Retro 2.0.2 (2 December 2012)

This update includes mostly minor changes with a few very minor bug fixes.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker 2.1.0 (2 December 2012)

This update is basically version 1.0.0 with added support for newer Windows operating systems and Xyz monsters. This old version has been used for compilation due to the fact that an installer is unnecessary for a small application like this (applications compiled using the new runner are automatically packaged into an installer.)

The new runner has also created a problem by which the program may lag on some computers due to its PC requirements. There was also a problem with saving the card images that were created. Due to all of these problems with the new runner, this application has been, and will continue to be in the future, compiled with an older runner. It should, however, still run fine on Windows 7 (and below) - Windows 8 has not been tested.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker 2.0.0 Release (26 November 2012)

The offline Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game card generator has been ported and released for download. This freeware application allows you to create professional-looking Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game cards and save them to your computer without the need for an internet connection. Card images generated are free of watermarks.

Please note that cards you create using this application are NOT tournament legal in the TCG or OCG. Do not contact me asking if you can use them. If you print them out, you may use them in friendly duels with your friends if they agree with the idea of you using fake cards.

This update brings support for Windows Vista, 7 and 8 and includes a few minor bug fixes. The application now also supports the creation of Xyz monsters. Enjoy!


Crash Bandicoot Retro 2.0.1 Update (24 November 2012)

This update fixes the backgrounds and tiles that were "out-of-place" and the error that occurs when entering a boss level. The full change-log is on the Crash Bandicoot Retro page.


The First Port - Crash Bandicoot Retro (22 November 2012)

I have finally ported one my favourite games from Bitsoft, Crash Bandicoot Retro. A LOT of major and minor improvements and bug fixes have been made and all the MIDI music has been updated with quality MP3 or WAV music and sounds.

Crash Bandicoot Retro is a basic two-dimensional platformer, based on the experience of the original 3 Crash Bandicoot titles on the PSone/PSX system. The gameplay is very simple and the new customisable controls allow everyone to play, regardless of which buttons they are used to. No joystick support is included, however. The screen now has a fixed resolution, unless running in fullscreen mode, scaled to 720x480.

The link to the latest version of the game, as well as screenshots, can be found on the Downloads page. Work your way across over 25 levels or varying gameplay and discover the sly secrets hidden within the game.

All glitches can be reported either via email or Twitter. Please note that in level 28, there is a hidden shortcut to overcome a somewhat difficult obstacle. This is not a bug and has purposely been put into the game.

NB: Due to the lack of access to a Mac, Mac OS X and iOS versions will not be released as they will be completely untested. Also, due to the possession of an iPhone but no access to Android or Windows Phone 8 based smartphones, mobile versions for these systems will not be released either.


A New Beginning (07 Oct 2012)

If you have not realised yet, this is where all (or at least most) of Bitsoft's works will be republished. I am planning to, if the source code is available, release new versions of all the old software using a new runner, previously unfixed bug fixes and quite possibly new features. This will, however, take time as the projects have remained untouched for quite a long time.

Software that had not previously supported Windows Vista and 7 will hopefully be able to fully support the new operating systems. Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 support should also be included when it is made available to us. Mac OS X versions are currently possible possible but, if released, will likely be untested as I do not have consistent enough access to a Mac computer. At the moment, iOS, Android and other mobile operating system versions are not on my to-do list, but it is possible that I may port some of the apps and games in the future.

The runner that executes the code of the software has been rewritten and all my future works will be using the new C++ runner. The runner should be faster than the old Delphi runner that was previously used, and the completed compiling of the code of those software should be much cleaner now than before. The disadvantage of the new runner is that it does not support all of the old functions that were previously used in the programming parts. Therefore, some pieces of the coding will have to be rewritten or tweaked and the end product may slightly differ from the previous versions, perhaps for the better.

I have not re/published any of the software yet, but I have worked on some of them. For the time being, a link has been made available in the 'welcome' window to Bitsoft's old site. All of the links to the old software should still be working fine, but the software may not support Windows Vista or 7.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email or Twitter.


Xyta Productions 2012

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